Chastity Belts and Other Myths with Sex Siopa’s SHAWNA SCOTT!

Why, Yes, That Is a Home-Drawn Clitoris.

Why, Yes, That Is a Home-Drawn Clitoris.

Shawna Scott has worked in retail most of her adult life. So to make her life much more interesting to talk about, she opened Sex Siopa, one of Ireland’s leading spots to get your “body-safe and healthy” sex toys. She’s also a dab hand at drawing diagrams of lesser understood female body parts. Specifically, the clitoris.

Shawna wowed us with her not at all useless trivia about various sex toys and sex related situations such as dating. Did you know PO Boxes were the Victorian version of Tinder? Did you know chastity belts didn’t really exist in medieval times (except as a joke)?

As if all that fun new information wasn’t enough, the card asked us plenty of questions we felt we needed to get visual explanations for. Such as Oxford Bags.

We believe that the retail industry should do away with all Black Friday madness and that Sea World should just give up trying to make whale shows “educational.” We also believe that you should absolutely start your holiday shopping at It’s a sure way to make your Christmas VERY Merry.

For more useful trivia and plenty of useless trivia click this:


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